Now it has become fashionable to talk about various food ingredients that supposedly can be hazardous to health. ❗️BUT❗️
First, it depends on the amount and frequency of intake.
Secondly, it depends on the health of the person.

When there was a shortage of butter in the region, where I lived, some doctors spoke on the local radio about the danger of butter. Then cheese became harmful, followed by sausage, milk, etc. Each stick has two ends. So, in food: benefits and harms.
You have probably heard about the fashion trend — food products that do not contain gluten. The gluten-free diet has been around for over a decade. Now many supermarkets sell gluten-free products (the price is 150-200% higher). A gluten-free diet is a medical necessity, not a diet, and it cannot be recommended to everyone, even if it is advised by newly minted food gurus.

📌About 1% of people suffer from a serious disease — celiac disease. They cannot tolerate a special type of vegetable protein — gluten, which is abundant in cereals. Such people need a gluten-free diet from early childhood.
📌More than 63% of dieters think it will improve their health when in fact the effect is often the opposite.

Regarding the gluten-free diet, there are many exaggerations of benefits, which means false information.
Clinical studies have shown that a gluten-free diet:
— does not benefit in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, but on the contrary, slightly increases their level.
— leads to insufficiency of folic acid, vitamins B 12, D, calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium, as well as fibers.
— increases the level of diabetes and does not lower the level of metabolic syndromes.
— significantly increases the level of arsenic, mercury, copper, cadmium and other toxic substances in the blood and human tissues.

A gluten-free diet is indicated when you are suffering of celiac disease or other gluten sensitivity-associated digestive disorders (FODMAPs). In other cases — do not chase a fashion!